Equipping Students for Evangelism

Your partnership made possible a special evangelism coaching and outreach opportunity. Rick Mattson, an experienced apologist/evangelist with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and author of Faith Is Like Skydiving and Faith Unexpected, has accepted an invitation to coach our grad fellowship and InterVarsity campus minister on how to more effectively reach out to our non-Christian friends. Part of that involves coaching a cohort of student leaders and another part involves speaking on campus for outreach events.

There are about five student leaders in the cohort and Rick recently spoke on campus on the topic of Divine Hiddenness, or why, if God is real, don’t we see him. Here are some of the questions that were addressed thanks to your partnership:

Where is God in the midst of suffering?

If God created the universe, shouldn’t we see more evidence for him through scientific research?

In my experience religion, and Christianity and Islam in particular, has oppressed women. If God is loving why is his religion so oppressive?

Please pray for the non-Christians who attended the event (one of them stayed late afterward to continue talking and to have fun with the rest of us). Pray that they would come to know Jesus though the witness of their friend that invited them and the rest of the Graduate Christian Fellowship. Also, pray for the student leaders in the cohort as they reach out to their friends. Already many of them have been more deeply engaging more of their friends than they had before. Pray with us to see someone come to faith within the next year.