Countless Conversations About Faith…
My name is Katie (pictured 5th from the left), and I am a 3rd year PhD student and GCF leader at Northwestern. Over the past 3 years, I have become close friends with a girl in my cohort who is not a Christian, and we have had countless conversations about faith. She grew up in a non-religious culture and so is very curious about religion and generally interested in discovering truth. For a long time those conversations remained at an intellectual level, but over the last few months we have been able to discuss the gospel on a personal level.
She recently attended a six-week “Explore God” sermon series at my church with me, and out of that she expressed interest in actually reading scripture for herself! We have been reading John together a couple times a week over the last two months. She is genuinely engaged and trying to make sense of its truth claims and relevance to her life. God has been working in big ways- her willingness to attend church and read scripture are two things I would not have imagined a few months ago.
You can be praying for her continued hunger and thirst for truth, that Christ will reveal himself to her in a transformative way, and that she will personally experience his healing and freedom-bringing power. She is wrestling with tough questions and trying to reconcile the idea of a good and all-knowing God with the real suffering and injustice she has personally encountered in her life. Pray also for wisdom and grace for me as we navigate these conversations! Thanks for your continued support of GCF/InterVarsity - your partnership is an invaluable resource and support to us as students as we seek to further what God is doing on Northwestern’s campus!
Katie, 5th from the left, at a leaders’ discipleship dinner