History & Purpose
Northwestern University Graduate Christian Fellowship (NUGCF) was established in 1987 and gathers to grow together spiritually, to help each other integrate our faith with our learning and practice, and to engage the university community in robust interfaith dialogue in the spirit of our University motto, “Quaecumque Sunt Vera” or “Whatsoever things are true,” which is from the New Testament book of Philippians (4:8). Whoever you are and wherever you’re coming from (whether from a different faith tradition or no faith tradition), we welcome and invite you to join us in our journey and help shape it together!
Affiliation & History
We are an affiliate of the Graduate & Faculty Ministries division of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. InterVarsity USA was started in 1941 with three staff on loan from InterVarsity Canada, which was itself started in 1929. InterVarsity USA & Canada are both part of a global movement called, the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), which began at the University of Cambridge, England, in 1877. IFES works in more than 170 countries to establish and support student-led indigenous Christian movements.