Make disciples who make disciples

Whether you are near or far, consider volunteering to make disciples who make disciples, either at Northwestern or at a sister Graduate Christian Fellowship at another University. Here are just a few examples of ways you could volunteer your time:


There are many logistics that go into ministry, especially hospitality, which is vital to creating a welcoming environment where seekers are more likely to feel loved and consider Christ. Often those logistics fall on the students or staff to execute. However, if you’re more hospitality oriented or logistically minded, it would be a great help to have someone outside the fellowship take on those details so that students and staff can focus on welcoming new students, discipling current student, or sharing the gospel with non-Christian students. Hospitality/logistics include things like room setup, name tags and registration, food ordering or prep and serving, cleanup, etc. If you'd like to join our hospitality/logistics team, let us know.


If you would like to disciple a student in their walk with God and/or evangelism, let us know. There are a good number of students in the fellowship and we aim to grow beyond any one staff person's capacity to adequately meet with everyone. Having a network of disciplers will ensure that we are adequately equipping ours students to become God's agents of renewal in the world.


The world's future leaders come to study in our universities yet most international students never set foot in an American home. As a result, their picture of the U.S., much less Christianity, often remains what they have gathered from the media. Beyond that, international students face all the challenges graduate students normally face plus the challenge of studying in a second language and in a foreign culture.

International student ministry often attracts a large number of students interested in learning more about Christianity and/or looking to practice their English with a native speaker. No one staff member or student ministry can handle the interest. Having a team of volunteers and a network of churches is vital to the success of any international student ministry. Here are a few ways to help out:

  • Hosting international students for holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc.

  • Having an ongoing relationship with internationals.

  • Leading English conversation groups or one-on-one opportunities for practice.

  • Leading or co-leading an international student ministry.

There are many ways to give of your time to further God's kingdom on campus. Email us at to let us know how you feel called to minister on campus with us. Feel free to suggest other ways you might like to get involved as well!