You can make a difference. Your partnership makes disciples who make disciples in the academy and marketplace. Partnership can take many forms.


Your financial support disciples Christian men and women who will in turn disciple others. They will have a redemptive influence in the sciences, humanities, and professions.

Partner Financially →


Your prayer powers this ministry. Whether praying through our updates, adopting a student, prayer walking with us or more, we covet your prayer.

Pray for Us →


Pay it forward and share your vocational wisdom with recent alumni and current students or ask for a mentor/peer. Together we can integrate our faith with our work.

Mentor with Us →


Tell your friends and church family about this strategic opportunity to reach tomorrow's leaders today. Being an active advocate can have an extraordinarily high impact on our ministry!

Advocate for Us →


Whether you're local or not, lend us some time and a hand in making disciples who make disciples. Opportunities to help with discipleship, outreach, prayer, logistics, etc., abound. 

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