Resourcing Your Ministry
The purpose of this section is to collect resources that might be helpful to your personal spiritual growth and your ministry to the world - family, neighbors, co-workers/colleagues, etc. If you have suggestions, please send them our way.
On this page we will post general websites that are helpful in multiple ways. As we build this section out, on other pages in this section we will attempt to categorize resources by broad categories such as evangelism, discipleship, faith & work integration, family, etc.
Also, our InterVarsity Campus Minister, Mickey Sanchez, is available if you would like to connect with a professional minister about anything covered in this section or otherwise. You can reach him at or 781.708.3573.
generally helpful websites
Redeemer Presbyterian Church (NYC) Free Dr. Tim Keller Sermon Resource
2019 Questioning Christianity Video Series (Evangelism/Apologetics)
E-mail for access (available through 6/17)
The Bible Project (Superbly animated summaries on every book of the Bible and more)