Following Jesus
The foundational idea in this section is that we are all being discipled and spiritually formed, and discipling and spiritually forming others. There is no neutral position. We all worship something. When we don’t worship God we worship something else (Rom 1:23 - ‘they…exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images…). And that something else forms us (Psalm 115:8 - “Those who make them [idols] become like them; so do all who trust in them”). We are never not being discipled, though the discipling may not be conscious or intentional. The question is, “What is discipling/forming you and how are you discipling/forming others?” An inner city child whose father abandoned the family is being discipled in such a way that he is likely to think that men aren’t supposed to stick around and may in turn do the same should he have his own kids. So, how are you being formed and how are you forming those around you?
This first wave or resources are recommended by our InterVarsity Campus Minister, Mickey Sanchez. If you have resources on this that you’ve found helpful, please let us know as we’d like to list it here for others to benefit from as well. Feel free to contact Mickey Sanchez with questions about any of these resources or if you would like some advice or coaching on discipleship and spiritual formation.
The resources by Dr. Timothy Keller below are accessible to non-Christians as well. As a Christian, seeing how he engages with, and articulates, important areas of the Bible and discipleship, without Christian “jargon”, you can at the same time learn how to talk about such things with your non-Christian friends in a way that might spark their trust (Threshold 1), curiosity (Threshold 2) or openness to change (Threshold 3).
The Bible Project (Superbly animated summaries on every book of the Bible and more)
InterVarsity’s Bible Study Resources for Individuals and Small Groups
Redeemer Presbyterian Church (NYC) Free Dr. Tim Keller Sermon Resource
Biblical/Theological Foundations of Discipleship:
The Great Omission: Reclaiming Jesus’s Essential Teachings on Discipleship by Dallas Willard
Rejesus: A Wild Messiah for a Missional Church by Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost
Discipled by Jesus: Your Ongoing Invitation to Follow Christ by Robert Gelinas
Framework of / How to Disciple:
Real Life: A Christianity Worth Living Out (IVP)
What does it look like to be a disciple?
4 Chair Discipleship: What Jesus Calls Us To Do (Moody)
Another framework for discipleship
Recommended Discipleship Resources by the Make & Deepen Disciple mission priority of the Evangelical Covenant Church
Foundational Thematic/Theological Content:
Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope that Matters by Tim Keller
A look at idolatry - what gets in the way of our growth and following God
Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Make Us Just by Tim Keller
What it would look like if we allowed grace to transform us vs. following idols
The Gospel in Life: Grace Changes Everything by Tim Keller
A summary of the implications of the gospel for key areas of our lives
Walking with God through Pain and Suffering by Tim Keller
Jesus says that in this life we will have trouble. A foundational part of discipleship is understanding how to process that trouble and how to pick up your cross nevertheless
Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing (IVP)
Living into the gospel dynamic of holding God’s treasure in our jars of clay
Important Biblical Content:
Encounters with Jesus: Unexpected Answers to Life's Biggest Questions by Tim Keller
King's Cross: The Story of the World in the Life of Jesus by Tim Keller
The Prodigal Prophet: Jonah and the Mystery of God's Mercy by Tim Keller
Spiritual Formation
An invitation to look candidly at where we are and the potential for further growth
Spiritual Theology: A Systematic Study of the Christian Life (IVP)
An excellent introduction to the theology behind spiritual formation
Crafting a Rule of Life: An Invitation to the Well-Ordered Way (IVP)
How to order your spiritual life
The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction (IVP)
Combines a Rule of Life with a focus on changing habits
Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform Us (IVP)
A helpful reference for many time worn spiritual practices that can help grace sink in
Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard Foster
A classic exposition on some of the most famous spiritual disciplines
The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives by Dallas Willard
A look at the logic behind the disciplines
Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God by Tim Keller
How to work on your prayer life
The Songs of Jesus: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms by Tim & Kathy Keller
God's Wisdom for Navigating Life: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Book of Proverbs by Tim & Kathy Keller