GFM Staff at Northwestern
Bio - Mickey Sanchez
Originally from New York City, Mickey became a Christian while studying at the Bronx High School of Science. As an undergrad passionate about collaborative outreach, Mickey led the New York University chapter of Campus Crusade for Christ as well as NYU’s Christian Inter-Fellowship Council (an umbrella entity attempting to unite all the Christian groups on campus for united witness). As an outgrowth of these efforts, he chaired Agape Week; an official university recognized theme week dedicated to showcasing Christianity.
Not content with mere invitational outreach, Mickey began a relationship with the Atheist Club by regularly attending their meetings and joining them for their social gatherings. This relationship lasted beyond Mickey’s undergrad years and became the foundation for the Veritas Lecture Series, which hosted Christian or Atheist speakers on an alternating basis.
After graduating, Mickey worked for NYC Counci Member John C. Liu (who eventually served as Comptroller of NYC). There he learned to integrate his faith with his work and how to reach out to colleagues in the workplace. During this time, Mickey began networking Christian faculty at NYU for mutual support, fellowship and mission. This laid the groundwork for a dream of his to be realized, hosting NYC’s first Veritas Forum at NYU & Columbia University. Despite enjoying his work for the City Council, Mickey felt a call to full-time ministry and enrolled at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. There he earned an M.Div. & Th.M., with a focus on comparative religious philosophy and spiritual formation. He also interned with The Pluralism Project at Harvard University.
After seminary, Mickey co-founded a ministry of spiritual formation and education at Highrock Church as well as an initiative that creates spaces for anyone to explore Christianity and for dialogue between persons of different faith/worldview backgrounds. It was through this later initiative that InterVarsity recruited Mickey to work on campus. Many of the non-Christians who attended his seeker oriented groups were graduate students at Harvard. InterVarsity asked Mickey to consider ministering from campus. At the same time a number of Christian grad students were asking Mickey to serve on campus as well to make the seeker groups more accessible to their friends.
Mickey spent four years working as Graduate & Faculty Ministries staff at Harvard and Tufts. He was officially recognized as a Harvard Chaplain and worked primarily with Harvard Law School, Harvard Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, and Tufts' Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy. He also focused on interfaith dialogue and faculty outreach.
Mickey is married to Michelle and is a proud father to Seth, 8, and Hope, 5. Michelle serves as an Executive Minister of the Evangelical Covenant Church and Seth & Hope serve as Co-Directors of Their Parents' Free-Time, ensuring that no moment is ever idle.
To learn more about Mickey and his ministry, visit: (password: grad) or email him at
Chicago Area GFM Staff Team
(Center) Area Director: Renee Nicholas | (Right) MBA Focus: Moy Mendez